Five long years in the army, it never was a home
Take me back to my hometown, and never more I’ll roam
I’m looking for a home, I’m looking for a home.
First time in my hometown, spent looking for a bed
Tramping up and down the avenues for a place to lay my head
I’m looking for a home, I’m looking for a home.
Answered an advertisement, stood there in the crowd
The landlady she made a speech, no dogs, no cats no chickens,
no kids, no working men allowed
I’m looking for a home, I’m looking for a home.
First time I saw the bedroom, it had just one bed and chair
Next time I saw that bedroom there was five guys sleeping there
I’m looking for a home, I’m looking for a home.
I went around the corner just to buy a glass of beer
When I got back there was five more men hanging on the chandelier
I’m looking for a home, I’m looking for a home.
If any one should ask you why I sing so shrill
Tell them I’m a homeless veteran waiting for the housing bill
I’m looking for a home, I’m looking for a home.
If any one should ask you who composed this song
Tell him it’s a discharged soldier and who ain’t slept all week long
I’m looking for a home, I’m looking for a home.
Traditional, adapted and arranged by Derroll Adams
(as it appears on the album Movin' On)