
SATURDAY SUN - 30th June 1:45pm The Green Note Camden Town London

May 2024 

Saturday Sun

SATURDAY SUN – This special show will also feature Canadian singer songwriter CARA LUFT to showcase the music of banjoman Derroll Adams. With spoken word recordings from Arlo Guthrie, Wizz Jones, Happy Traum and others who knew him.

Tickets here

JOHNNY FEWINGS (banjo / guitar / vocal)
Geoff Muldaur... ”Johnny’s soft and easy banjo pickin’ is right up there with the late, great Kate McGarrigle. Calm and steady. Always a joy to play with Mr. Fewings.”

ALAN COOK (pedal steel )
Whispering Bob Harris... ”One of the best in the business”.

HELEN RICH (guitar / bass / vocal)
The latest recruit to Saturday Sun, Helen’s harmony vocal is well loved in the music clubs of Kent.

CARA LUFT (guitar / banjo / vocal).
No Depression magazine… “it becomes quite clear that she is indeed a formidable songwriter and performer… [The] lovely Ms. Luft sets the bar for the talented few who’ll follow in her footsteps.”

Songs Of The Banjoman – Derroll Adams
Much of this special show will be highlighting the life, times and music of banjo player Derroll Adams. Derroll was a legendary figure in the folk music world and made a huge impact on those that played with him. The band will be performing his songs, but in addition, they have been speaking with those who knew him and recording those conversations. The show will include spoken word recordings from the likes of Arlo Guthrie, Wizz Jones, Happy Traum, Alan Taylor, and Ian Anderson.
There will also be audio spoken word throughout from Derroll himself.

The latest CD from Maggie Holland

September 2023 

Maggie Holland On her last CD "The Dust Of Rage", Maggie Holland sang a beautiful interpretation of Derroll Adams Portland Town.

“An extraordinary musician” – Cerys Matthews, BBC Sounds… Maggie Holland is releasing her long-awaited first album for 20 years. Its 16 tracks include three original songs – the opening song “Blood Like Wine” is a powerful condemnation of those in power – and a selection of superb versions of superb songs by other writers, i.e. Woody Guthrie, the Oysterband, Bruce Cockburn, Leon Rosselson, Chris Smither, Duffy Power, Bob Dylan, Steve Clark, Butch Hancock, Don West/Dave Arthur and Derroll Adams. Most of them regularly featured in her live performances pre-pandemic; but several she learnt (or revived) during lockdown. They accompanied her on the regular trudge to and from the allotment. Maggie Holland grew up in Hampshire and lived in the south of England until she migrated to Scotland in 1993. Since then, she has lived in Edinburgh. She has been playing music and singing songs for over 50 years, as part of Hot Vultures, the English Country Blues Band, Tiger Moth, Maggie’s Farm, Maggie Holland & Chris Coe and the Broonzies, but latterly solo. Holland received the BBC Radio 2 Folk Award "Best Song of 1999" for her song "A Place Called England”, covered by June Tabor, The Young ‘Uns, and now something of an eco-warrior anthem. The late Colin Irwin said it was "The proof that outstanding contemporary songs are still being written”.

More infos

Allan Taylor en concert le 13 décembre 2023

September 2023 

Allan Taylor CENTRE CULTUREL DE PERWEZ “LE FOYER” | Grand Place, 32 - 1360 Perwez

Attention événement exclusif et exceptionnel au foyer, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Allan Taylor, véritable monument de la musique anglo-saxonne !
Troubadour itinérant, il a traversé les années soixante et s'est taillé une sacrée carrière d'auteur-compositeur-interprète en solo.
Depuis plus de cinquante ans, Allan Taylor parcourt le monde en se produisant dans des festivals, des salles de concert et des clubs. Il est considéré comme l'un des plus grands auteurs-compositeurs-interprètes et guitaristes de son genre, avec plus de deux cents versions enregistrées de ses chansons par des artistes dans dix langues différentes.
Il a composé et réalisé plus de vingt Albums et continue d'écrire et d'enregistrer.
Il est également titulaire d'une maîtrise en arts et d'un doctorat en philosophie et musique, ayant rédigé sa thèse pour l'Université Queen's de Belfast.
Aujourd'hui âgé de plus de 70 ans, Allan, et maintenant connu comme «the song-poet legend », il nous présentera une soirée autobiographique avec chansons, histoires et anecdotes de sa vie sur la route. Alors comme le dit Allan au début de chaque concert, «asseyez-vous et profitez du voyage ».

Le concert sera précédé de la projection du documentaire : Allan Taylor - The Endless Highway

De Patrick Ferryn - Date de sortie : 2010 - Pays : Belgique - Durée : 68'
Avec la participation de Thomas Berliner, Dick Gaughan, Phil Jackson, Jean-Marie Selvais, Lutz Möller, Günter Pauler.
Narrateur français : Christian Crahay
Producteur délégué : Gunter Pauler
Co-Producteurs : Michel Baudour et Patrick Ferryn

Ouverture des portes à 20h - Bar accessible dès 19h - Parking gratuit à 400 mètres (site ancienne gare).

Pour plus d’information...

Thijs Vrolijk - Portland Town

March 2023 

Thijs Vrolijk I met Thijs Vrolijk, young talented musician, during the Banjo Jamboree
(30 September – 2 October 2022) in Essen (Belgium). He didn't know about Derroll
and became a fan. Here is what he wrote on youtube:

At an Americana festival last weekend I felt a tap on my shoulder and it turned out to be Danny Adams, Derroll Adams' wife. I had never heard of Derroll Adams but the stories Danny told me made a huge impression on me.
She showed me pictures, some of his banjo's and gave a DVD of a documentary made about him. Of course I immediately watched it as soon as I had time. Derroll was banjoplayer from Portland, Oregon, who finally wound up in Antwerp, Belgium.
Of course there is a story behind how he ended up there and you can read that at Derroll led a fascinating live and I've become a huge fan.
One day Derroll wrote a song after someone told him how their kids got killed while fighting in the army. 'Portland Town' by Derroll Adams never lost it's relevance, but it if you told me someone had written this song today, I'd believe you. It's the same old story and it's still happening.

Watch Portland town on YouTube

Tucker Zimmerman in concert October, 7, 2022 in Namur (Belgium)

September 2022 

Tucker Zimmerman (USA) Tucker Zimmerman will be playing at 20:30

It is with great pleasure that the team of Doux, Dur & Dingue (RUN - Radio universitaire namuroise) and the cultural space Quai 22 (University of Namur) welcome the American singer and poet Tucker Zimmerman for an exceptional concert in Namur.
Back from an international tour where he accompanied the band Big Thief, Tucker will perform this time in trio, with his son Quanah on guitar and Jef Van Gool on bass.
Time seems to have no effect on Tucker Zimmerman who, at 81 years old, continues to navigate between folk and blues, offering songs of exceptional quality carried by the lyricism of his powerful and hoarse voice.

This rare performance will be enhanced by the broadcast of previously unseen excerpts from Zack & I, a docu-drama by Patrick Ferryn (Derroll Adams. The Banjo Man) about and with Tucker Zimmerman.
A musical and poetic event not to be missed!

A Feather Flies Out  |  Shadow of a Cow Boy

Price: 10 € (5 € student)
Where: Quai 22 - Rue du Séminaire 22, Namur
Booking possible:
Doors open at 20:00.

A concert organized with the support of the Radio universitaire namuroise,
the Association culturelle Joseph Jacquemotte and the SETCa Namur.

Invitation Banjo Jamboree 30 September – 2 October 2022 Essen (Belgium)

August 2022 


We are very happy to invite you to the 5th Banjojamboree.

From Friday 30 September, 20PM till Sunday 2 October.

With a special Friday evening Free Podium Tribute to Pete Seeger, Tom Paxton and Derroll Adams. All lovers of music are invited.

Please contact Arne Eeckman if you want to perform: 00 32 479 61 80 39

A wink from Ramblin’ Jack Elliott to his old buddy Derroll Adams...

July 2022 

Tucker Ramblin’ Jack Elliott In 1999, when Derroll Adams was no longer able to take part in the shooting of the documentary we were dedicating to him, I decided to solicit his old friends and traveling companions.
There followed a beautiful series of interviews of those who had in heart to testify and to sho their deep esteem towards the “Banjoman with the Tattooed Fingers”.
Unfortunately the imperatives of production and distibution made it impossible to use all this materiel, thus depriving us of the presence of several speakers who had warmly accepted to participate. In order to do them justice and to answer many requests I received, several unreleased episodes will be gradually added here as a sequel to the film “DERROLL ADAMS - I WAS BORN IN PORTLAND TOWN”, broadcasted in 2005.

Patrick Ferryn, July 2022.

Watch Ramblin’ Jack Elliott on YouTube

Filmed at the Sundance Film Festival, 2000
The Old “Oregon Mine” Park City, Utah
January 22th, 2000
Image: Michel Baudour
Sound: Richard Verthé
Editing: Sophie Devaert
Filmmaking: Patrick Ferryn

Workshop: Weekend American Roots Music (Old-Time)

March 2022 


Mandolin, guitar, song, banjo, bass, violin

From Friday 11 to Sunday 13 March 2022 – 20h00

Théâtre Molière – Galerie de la Porte de Namur,
Square du Bastion 3, 1050 Bruxelles

Molière Theater – Naamsepoortgallerij,
Bolwerksquare 3, 1050 Brussel

Read this article for more information

Tucker Zimmerman in concert February, 5, 2022 in Liège (Belgium)

January 2022 

Tucker Zimmerman (USA) Tucker Zimmerman will be playing at 20:30

Tucker Zimmerman, singer, songwriter, poet, born in 1941 in San Francisco, is already a legend in the history of world song. After studying music, he went to Europe, first to Italy, then to London where he recorded his first album in 1968, then finally to Belgium, the country of origin of his companion where his singing career took shape. With ten albums, hundreds of songs and thousands of pages to his credit, he is a discreet, almost secret artist, who delivers us deep songs against a backdrop of 12 energetic strings with a voice that has kept all its power. The proof is tangible on “A Feather Flies Out”, his new double CD released in his 80th birthday. A rare concert, not to be missed.

Watch Tucker Zimmerman on YouTube

Read also a report about the concert, written in Dutch by Marc Vos, or the French translation. Moreover, you will find a YouTube video in which Tucker performs Oregon, a song written especially for Derroll Adams.

Blues-sphere Bar
Rue Surlet 37
B-4020 Liège, Belgium

Remembering Youra Marcus who left us on December 23rd, last year.

December 2021 

How We Wounded Up at a Youra Marcus Seminar Hosted by Danny Adams in Antwerp

This story begins roughly 45 years ago. Back in the mid-70’s when I was living in the Midwest, I ordered a few folk albums from a catalogue, one of which was Derroll Adams’ Feelin’ Fine recorded in England. I remembered it as being one of those very few records that you could put on the turntable and had no desire to lift the needle. I’ve gotten rid of many albums over the years, but this one stayed with me...
Fred Tosi, New York

Way back in 2016, my friend Fred Tosi from Queens in New York City introduced me to the music of Derroll Adams. Right away, I was fascinated by the style of Derroll’s playing the banjo. By accident, I met Danny, his widow, launching the release of a Derroll Adams LP in a little brasserie in Antwerp...
Carl Bonn, Germany

Read more on the Guestbook.

Youra Marcus

Fred Tosi and Carl Bonn, Youra’s banjo students on Youra’s workshop in Antwerp (October 2018) wrote about their first contact with the five-string banjo in memory of Youra Marcus.
Danny Adams, Wim van de Weg and Sophie Devaert also took part in these sessions. Thank you Fred for these inspiring shots.

Derroll Adams, L'Homme au banjo, le 10 décembre 2021 à Vernoux-en-Vivarais (France)

November 2021 


Cinézic vous propose une nouvelle fois une soirée exceptionnelle cinéma musique avec Derroll Adams et Steve Waring à Vernoux-en-Vivarais en Ardèche !

Cinézic  |  Facebook

Tucker Zimmerman in concert Saturday December, 4, 2021 in Poulseur (Belgium)

November 2021 

Tucker Zimmerman in concert

Tucker Zimmerman will be playing at 4:45 pm Tucker Zimmerman, singer, songwriter, poet, born in 1941 in San Francisco, is already a legend in the history of world song. After studying music, he went to Europe, first to Italy, then to London where he recorded his first album in 1968, then finally to Belgium, the country of origin of his companion where his singing career took shape. With ten albums, hundreds of songs and thousands of pages to his credit, he is a discreet, almost secret artist, who delivers us deep songs against a backdrop of 12 energetic strings with a voice that has kept all its power. The proof is tangible on “A Feather Flies Out”, his new double CD released in his 80th birthday. A rare concert, not to be missed.

Salle Union Mosane
Rue d'Esneux 19 b
B-4171 Poulseur

Les Anthinoises

Youra Marcus Live in Antwerp

August 2021 

Youra Marcus Live

October 18th 2018. Youra Marcus gave a great house concert in Antwerp, at Danny Adams home. It was a memorable feast after his 2 days of banjo workshops.
Video filmed by Luc Hecquet and edited by Sophie Devaert.
Many thanks to family and friends for their help and generosity.

Link to YouTube

Youra Marcus passed away on December 23rd, 2020

March 2021 

Youra Marcus

It is with great sadness that on December 23rd our close and very dear friend Youra Marcus passed away, in Dunkirk in France.
The first time I met Youra… it was in the late sixties, in Antwerp.
Derroll and me lived on Engelse Beurs, in the center of town. Our home was a little square backyard stone house with 2 small rooms. From the kitchen we would climb on a red wooden ladder to go to the bedroom!

One afternoon, the bell rang. And as usual, I would go to the front door… we didn’t have a door phone …. I crossed the open court and walked along the ground floor apartment where our good friend Jef lived (he had the wonderful bookstore “Groene Waterman”). I opened the front door and looked at the people standing there. Didn’t know them at all. “Is Derroll Adams living here” they asked! Yes, I said, without much enthusiasm but very curious. I was to learn later that I didn’t have the most welcoming look. Almost an unfriendly gaze!!

And then they told me this amazing story:
Youra Marcus, Eleanor, his mother, his father with his new wife, they drove all the way down from Paris. Youra wanted to learn the 5-string banjo from a master. It had to be Derroll Adams, they said! They knew Derroll when he was in Paris with Jack Elliott in the late fifties. It is Eleonore who did most of the talking. She said that they knew Derroll was living in Brussels and decided to meet him there. But when they arrived at the Welkom café which is now a restaurant, they were told that Derroll doesn’t live in Brussels anymore and moved to Antwerp many years ago! Do you have an address? Nope!! They decided to go further on their journey and arrived in Antwerp. Asked in different cafés if somebody knew where Derroll lived. And yes, some good soul wrote the address down and told them it was not too far.

So, there they were, standing in front of Derroll’s door, but not being very welcomed! I still am a little bit ashamed! I said that Derroll will meet them in a café around the corner later on.
It was a wonderful meeting. Lots of stories and good memories. We all became close friends for life. Derroll taught Youra all he knew and Youra absorbed it all and became an excellent musician, on banjo and guitar.

Danny Adams, March 11th, 2021

Youra Marcus website (English & French).

More about Youra in French

Banjo sans frontière - Itinéraire d’un banjoïste old-time propos recueillis par Philippe Krümm.

Youra Marcus – Frenchie Banjo Man par Alain & Anne Fournier.

Radio program: Le reportage Youra Marcus by Zat Folk.

Tønder Folk Festival 2002 on the presentation of the CD Banjoman

September 2020 

Tønder Folk Festival

Shortly after Derroll Adams’ death in February 2000, his long-time friends paid tribute to him by helping to produce – mainly under the leadership of Arlo Guthrie and Hans Theessink – a magnificent album featuring some of his own songs and those he loved the most*. On the occasion of the release of this CD, the folk festival of Tønder, Denmark, devoted one day of its 2002 edition to honour the memory of Derroll Adams, who enjoyed a great and exceptional notoriety there. Many of those who graciously contributed to Banjoman were present, as well as many former fellow travellers, to remember their dearly departed friend. It was during a completely improvised jam session, in the afternoon of Sunday, August 25, that these few images were taken, of one hell of a bunch of old friends and wonderful artists, gathered around Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Derroll Adams’ oldest accomplice.
See also Derroll Adams’ website: Tønder Folk Festival.

It has been said of Mozart that after listening to one of his works, the silence that followed was still “Mozart’s”. Certainly, this could apply to many other great musicians. I’ve always felt that it was no exaggeration to say that this sentence also suited Derroll perfectly.

Happy 5th anniversary, Arne and Joor, long live Come Around the Banjo!

Patrick Ferryn

* Banjoman [a tribute to Derroll Adams], Blue Grove BG-1420 & Rising Sun Records RSR-2102-2.

Village Thing Records – a special 50th Anniversary podcast!

September 2020 


50 years ago, on September 18th, 1970, the somewhat legendary Village Thing label released its first albums. Subtitled ‘the alternative folk label’ (decades ahead of the coining of ‘alt.folk’, let alone ‘psych folk’, ‘acid folk’ and all the other bewildering terms that have been showered on it since those days), Village Thing released two dozen LPs and a few singles before its eventual closure in 1974.
Derroll recorded “Feeling Fine” for this label in 1972.

Podwireless internet radio show, presented by Ian A. Anderson.
History of Village Thing Label

On Ian A. Anderson website, about the 1970s:

Uncovering an old photo of Derroll

September 2020 


1969 - Derroll Adams and Wannes Van de Velde in Café De Rozenkrans in Vlierbeek, North-East of Leuven in Belgium -
Photo Roger Knaepen

1969 - Derroll Adams en Wannes Van de Velde in café De Rozenkrans bij de abdij van Vlierbeek, Kessel-lo (Leuven) -
Foto: Roger Knaepen

1969 - Derroll Adams et Wannes Van de Velde. Café De Rozenkrans à Vlierbeek Kessel-Lo, au nord-est de Louvain –
Photo : Roger Knaepen

Roll on Buddy - Derroll Adams & Geoff Reynolds

April 2020 


BBC TV documentary 1993, directed by Karen Whiteside.The story of the life and music of American folk legend, banjo player and singer, Derroll Adams and Geoff Reynolds, Welsh banjo player. It follows Geoff’s journey to Antwerp with his gift of a handmade banjo, for his friend and favourite musician, Derroll.

Link to YouTube

Another historical document

March 2020 


Tanz & Folk Fest Rudolstadt 1991, Germany, concert filmed by Axel Halemeyer. Link to YouTube

See also the CD produced by the festival. Derroll and Jack Elliott sing and play Willie Moore.

Derroll Adams is in the Banjo Players Directory of the Banjo Museum in Oklahoma City

November 2019 

Banjo Museum

Gérard De Smaele Belgian 5string banjo-player, historian, writer, bicycle lover and very good friend, went to America in November 2019. He generously brought a file about Derroll Adams to the Banjo Museum in Oklahoma City (see photo) and to the Old School of Folk Music in Chicago. This school was co-founded by Frank Hamilton, American folk musician, collector of folk songs, and educator.

A film by Dee Brown and Bruce Bryant

August 2019 

Jack Elliott with Arlo Guthrie

Ramblin’ Jack Elliott with Arlo Guthrie, Jerry Jeff Walker, Lyle Lovett, Guy Clark

It’s all Dee Brown’s fault, it was his idea. In the early 80's Dee Brown and I started work on a film about Ramblin' Jack Elliott.
We met Jack in 1975 when he first performed at our club in downtown Houston, Your Ever Lovin’ Sweetheart of Texas Concert Hall and Saloon. We’ve been his friends ever since.
We even went flying in a hot air balloon one time and landed in the middle of a herd of cattle… but that’s another story.
This new documentary lets viewers ride shotgun with Ramblin’ Jack over the years as he rambles across Texas, climbs high on the old sailing ship Elissa, and rides a champion cutting horse. In lovingly restored footage, Jack sings classic songs that come from years of living a big life. And then there are his stories… one-of-a-kind tales about his adventures with friends like Woody Guthrie, Cisco Houston, Jerry Jeff Walker, and Bob Dylan. The film offers a rare chance to step inside music history and culture with a character who’s been at the heart of it, making the most of every glorious moment and saving up stories to tell.
Dee is 80 and I am pushing it. Jack is 88. Although Jack says he is going to live another 125 years, Dee and I are probably not going to make it quite that long. We did the math and it occurred to us that if we don't finish the film right now, it ain't going to happen. So that is just what we did. There will be a private preview screening at the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas on September 4. And it will be archived there along with another film of ours, FOR THE SAKE OF THE SONG. There will also be a Cast and Crew screening at the Museum of Fine Art in Houston on September 5th… that’s what we’re calling it, but the public is invited.
Although we started shooting in 1982, we have actually been working on the film since 1961… we just didn’t know it at the time. Now you might be asking why did it take so long to complete the film? Some things…like some people… well they just can’t be rushed.
Bruce Bryant and Dee Brown.
See also Facebook: Ramblin' Jack Elliott Discussion Group

Invitation Banjo Jamboree 28 - 29 September 2019 – Essen (Belgium)

August 2019 


Goal to gather as many banjo’s, as many styles and types as possible, together with other instruments and singers in a laid-back atmosphere for a musical jam-session. Simply listening is also allowed!
Everyone is welcome!
Location: Rommeshoef, Rouwmoer 6, 2910 Essen, Belgium
See the detailed invitation on Facebook

Download PDF

Le Cri du Coyote – Revue de Musiques américaines

December 2018 

Le Cri du Coyote

Le Cri du Coyote – Revue de Musiques américaines – Hiver 2018 – Numéro 159
YOURA MARCUS – Frenchie Banjo Man par Alain et Anne Fournier

[Télécharger l'article]

Youra Marcus - Antwerp - Masterclasses October 17/18

October 2018 

Youra Marcuse

Dear friends and banjo lovers...

Some very good news: Youra Marcus, a great French Old Time clawhammer banjo player, will come to Antwerp for 2 days masterclasses on Wednesday October 17 and Thursday October 18 - For inscriptions , details and price : please contact Youra Marcus.

Youra Marcus is a great French Old Time clawhammer banjo player as well as a pioneer of American folk in France in the 70s. His meeting with the American folk singer and banjo player Derroll Adams was decisive and they played together from 1972 until 1990.
He played with Gabriel Yacoub and Philippe Fromont (The New Ragged Company), Bill Deraime (The Wandering), John Wright, and Catherine Perrier. After residing in Ghent for two years with Patrick Désaunay, Youra moved to Brittany in 1974, where he founded the group, Termaji, with Patrick Molard and Cristi Gibbons in an American-Irish-Breton repertory. In those days he regularly played in the Breton folk clubs and he collaborated with Breton guitarists Dan Ar braz, Yves Rouchaville, or Soïg Siberil.
In 1977, he joined La Chiffonie for a year and then toured on his own, playing a traditional repertory enriched with contemporary works on his 5 string banjo as well as touring with Derroll Adams before creating his duet (Ryckeboer Marcus Inc.) with Gérald Ryckeboer in 1998. The duet has regularly performed in France and across Europe.
In 2002 he participated in the album “Tribute to Derroll Adams” and concert (Tønder festival, Denmark) with Donovan, Arlo Guthrie, Rambling Jack Elliott, Dolly Parton, Hans Theessink, Happy Traum, Allan Taylor, Wizz Jones, Tucker Zimmerman…
Youra Marcus took part in the documentary about Derroll Adams (I Was Born In Portland Town by Patrick Ferryn – 2005) and gave a very personnal, sensitive and hartfelt testimony.

See also Facebook Page: Amis de Youra Marcus:

Read also a very recent article by Philippe Krümm (in French): Banjo sans frontière. Youra Marcus: Itinéraire d’un banjoïste old-time.

20 OCTOBER 2017 – HAARLEM (Holland)

August 2017 


This year, October 20th marks 40 years since Lennaert Nijgh made the recordings of DERROLL ADAMS’ Live in Haarlem 1977 CD, in De Teerling in Haarlem. In memory of this historic moment in music, we head back in time in celebration. Folk music venue De Teerling, now ‘stadscafe Bar Boef’, will be renamed for the day October 20th and we will be screening ‘I Was Born In Portland Town’, a documentary about Derrol Adams’ life by filmmaker Patrick Ferryn–its Dutch premiere.
Musical delight with Ries De Vuyst and The Downtown Hillbillies
When:October 20, 2017
Where: Stadscafé Bar Boef – Kleine Houtstraat 58 – Haarlem – The Netherlands
Time:8 PM - Free entrance

For more details about the film: I Was Born In Portland Town

Invitation Banjo Jamboree 23-24 sept 2017 – Essen (Belgium)

August 2017 

This year, Arne Eeckman is organizing - with the help of family and friends – the second edition of the free musical meeting 'Banjo Jamboree', taking place in Essen, Belgium on September 23 and 24. Banjo or not, you're cordially invited to come and join/enjoy spontaneuous jam sessions at the 'Caernhoeve'.
Whether you're staying for a couple of hours or the full weekend, you can join in with ANY acoustic instrument. Sing or play along if you feel like it. Or just listen. There are no obligations, except for a good humor ☺;-)(see the detailed invitation on Facebook:)
Download PDF

Cinema- Zuid Antwerpen - 4 januari 2017 20:00

December 2016 

Dont look back

Dont Look Back
D.A. Pennebaker

US 1967 | 96' |
Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Donovan, Alan Price, Allen Ginsberg, DERROLL ADAMS, Albert Grossman, Bob Neuwirth,

Baanbrekende vérité-documentaire waarin (intussen Nobelprijswinnaar) Bob Dylan wordt gevolgd tijdens zijn tournee door de UK in 1965. Dylan brengt o.a. The Times Are A-Changin, It’s Allright Ma…, Don’t Think Twice, enz., maar het is vooral wat er achter de coulissen gebeurt (de interacties tussen de zanger en zijn entourage, fans, pers e.a.) die de film tot een zeldzaam, fascinerend portret maken van de man achter de muziek.

See also Derroll Adams’ website:
Scroll down on the page, and you will see more details about the short appearance of Derroll in the film “Dont Look Back”.

Cinema- Zuid Antwerpen
Waalsekaai 47
2000 Antwerpen
T: +32 3 242 93 57

Ian Anderson wrote on Facebook yesterday (November 25th):

November 2016 

Feelin' Fine

Ah, see what the nice delivery man just brought - boxes of these! As it's "Buy Nothing Day" today you can't have them until Sunday (which just happens to be Derroll's birthday - he would have been 91!) when pre-release copies will be available direct from our Bandcamp shop. It doesn't go into general release via Amazon UK etc until 3rd Jan. And please SHARE this!
Get it here!: Bandcamp shop

Ian Anderson posted this message

November 2016 

Feelin' Fine

Feelin' Fine re-issue update. As mentioned earlier this year, with the help of Danny Adams and Carsten Linde, I finally got back the master tapes of Derroll's 'Feelin' Fine' album that I produced for Village Thing in 1972. It has never been re-issued on CD. So we've added 6 tracks from 'Along The Way' which fit the best with its ambience, and have everything beautifully mastered from source tapes so it sounds much better than it ever did on vinyl. We have some previously unseen '70s photos from Dave Peabody, I've written some new notes and Danny found some from Derroll which never made it onto the original, so it will have a nice triple-fold digipak. It's off to the factory in the next few days. It'll officially be released on Ghosts From The Basement on 2nd January, but there should be pre-release copies to buy online direct from our Bandcamp shop by early December, just in time for those seasonal presents for the deserving. Watch this space for details!

Wizz Jones à Perwez (Belgique) dans la lumière de Derroll Adams

Octobre 2016 

Wizz jones

Chemin de traverse, un article de Marcel Leroy paru le 17 octobre 2016 sur Entre les lignes. est un outil multimédia qui cherche à multiplier les points de vue des citoyens et des mouvements citoyens qui luttent pour une insurrection des consciences vers la construction d'une société plus juste et plus égalitaire.

Cliquez ici pour lire l'article

Banjojamboree 1 on Saturday and Sunday 1-2 October 2016

August 2016 


Arne Eeckman, organizer of the first Banjo Jamboree, would like to welcome you to his wonderful project:

Because I love
... to hear people make music
... to see people play music
... to bring people together
... to listen to banjo's play
... to sit at a campfire

... to look for treasures on a flea market

Because of all of that I am inviting you to my banjo jamboree. Come for a laid-back weekend of jamming, camping, good food and more!

All singers and acoustic music instruments welcome:
October 1 & 2
Starting at 11 h
Essen, Belgium

Looking forward to see you there!
Arne Eekman

On simple request I”ll be happy to send you the French, German or Dutch text:

Facebook Page

Download PDF

Wizz Jones concert in Perwez (Belgium) on Saturday October 15th, 2016 at 21:00

May 2016 

Wizz jones

On that occasion, the documentary film “Derroll Adams, l'homme au banjo” by Patrick Ferryn will be projected at 18.30..

On Saturday October 15th, 2016, the great English acoustic guitarist singer and bluesman Wizz Jones will give a concert in Perwez (Belgium), at the Cultural Center. Start: 21:00

Wizz also appears in that film and talks about his friend Derroll and sings the tribute song: The Man With The Banjo

Infos & reservations: 00 32 (0)473 180 086

Jack Elliott received the Living Legend Award at the Folk Alliance International 2016

February 2016 

Wizz jones

Wonderful to read that our friend and living treasure Jack Elliott received this well earned award.
For more details read this article from Acoustic Guitar:

Happy Traum, Jack Elliott and Aengus Finnan. Photo Neale Eckstein

Muziekclub 't Ey

October 2015

Dirk Van der Speeten - Koutermolenstraat 6b – 9111 Belsele
+32 (0) 3 772 11 93 - +32 (0) 497 35 46 94

Exhibition - Derroll Adams: paintings and watercolours from November 1 - December 20, 2015

Steelstringfestival – Banjo - Thursday November 26 – Sunday November 29, 2015

Thursday November 26

20:30 Film: I Was Born In Portland Town (2005). Doc. about the American-Belgian 5-String banjo player Derroll Adams by Patrick Ferryn.
The filmmaker will introduce his film. — €3 / €5

Friday November 27

21:00 Lecture over the banjo (De parabel van de banjo) by Piet Decalf — €8 / €10

Saturday November 28

14:00-17.00 Banjo Market
16:00 Gratis Concert with Tom Stuip and Delirium Tremolo
17:00 Tips & tricks about the 5-string banjo (clawhammer) – Lecture by Cody Walters (April Verch Band)
21:00 Concert: Louvat Brothers — €10 / €12

Sunday November 29

16:00 Concert: April Verch Band — €13 / €15

20:00 Film A Banjo Frolic: 110 min. doc about American banjo makers and players by Gérard De Smaele and Patrick Ferryn.
Gérard De Smaele will introduce the film. — €3 / €5

Sunday November 1st 2015 in Haarlem (Holland) - 15:00

October 2015 


Concert with Berry Selles; Joost Belinfante and Jaap van Beusekom; Matthieu Brandt.
They will play some of Derroll’s songs.

Start 15:00 (Doors 14:30 –) | €10,- advance booking (ex fee) / € 20,- incl cd
Where: Patronaat - Zijlsingel 2 - 2013 DN Haarlem – Holland

More infos about Derroll:

Seppe De Peuter, 5-string banjo teacher in Antwerp Music School Ward De Beer

August 2015 

Dear music-lovers

The coming academic year you are able again to take lessons on the 5-string banjo at Muziekatelier Ward De Beer in Antwerp. At first we will focus on a solid base for Derroll Adams-style or three finger style. We will work on a ‘fulautomatic’ right hand and then step-by-step build up more complicated techniques for your left hand too. This basis is also a good starting point for learning clawhammer / frailing and bluegrass.

The lessons are individual and will take 30 minutes a week.
Because it’s necessary that your instrument is in good playing condition I can help you to choose or set your instrument.
Feel free to contact mee for further information on Facebook or at
You can also visit

Seppe De Peuter

See also Derroll's picking by Walter De Peuter

Beste muziekliefhebbers

Volgend schooljaar kan je opnieuw 5-string banjolessen volgen bij Muziekatelier Ward De Beer in Borgerhout. Als (nieuwe) banjoleraar wil ik focussen op een goede, strakke basis om dan verder te werken naar de Derroll Adams-style of three finger-style. We bouwen eerst aan een 'volautomatische' rechterhand en bouwen dan stap-voor-stap de technieken van de linkerhand op. De aangeboden basis is ook een goed vertrekpunt voor clawhammer (frailing) en bluegrass.

De lessen worden meestal individueel gegeven, zijn wekelijks en duren 30 minuten.
Omdat je enkel kan leren spelen op een instrument dat juist 'is' en klinkt, help ik je ook met de keuze en het afstellen van je instrument.
Contacteer me gerust via Facebook of op als je vragen hebt!
Zie ook

Seppe De Peuter

Zie ook Derroll's picking by Walter De Peuter

John Joris Tribute CD to Derroll Adams called “Songs From The Mok

August 2015 

Listen to the beautiful song Johnny wrote: Banjo Wind

Radio interview in Dutch with John Joris

fRoots, Nos. 386/387 August/September 2015 summer

August 2015 

Donovan talks about Derroll Adams in the double issue of fRoots

Download PDF

Presentation of the new album “Banjo Troubadour” by Derroll Adams

January 2015 

Starman Records is happy to invite you to presentation of the new album “Banjo Troubadour” by Derroll Adams!
When: Thursday February 19 at 8 PM.
Where: Den Hopsack, Grote Pieter Potstraat 24, 2000 Anwerp.
In presence of Derroll’s family, friends and hopefully many fans. A mini concert by mystery guests yet to be revealed will take place and the album is available on site!

For the first time in more than 20 years finally again an official release of the legendary American 5-string banjo player and folk singer Derroll Adams!
Adams (born in Portland, USA in 1925 – deceased in Antwerp, Belgium in 2000) starts his career as recording artist in 1957 on the side of Ramblin’ Jack Elliott. His solo debut follows in 1967 with the legendary album “Portland Town” of which the title track is covered by a.o. Joan Baez, Marianne Faithfull, Arlo Guthrie and many others. Also his later recorded works will become very influential in the world of folk and country, genres very popular again in the current music landscape.
Adams met the Scottish singer-songwriter Donovan in the sixties and introduced him to the rich tradition of American folk. Both can be seen in “Don’t Look Back” the documentary by D.A. Pennebaker about Bob Dylan’s first UK tour in 1965.
The live recordings on this album were made my Belgian National radio in 1973 and 1980 and were never released before. “Banjo Troubadour” shows Derroll Adams at his best: emotional songs, deeply rooted in the folk and country and a warm and deep voice telling stories and taking the listener on a unique and intimate trip.

Na meer dan 20 jaar eindelijk terug een officiële release van de legendarische Amerikaanse 5- string banjo speler en folksinger Derroll Adams!
Adams (geboren in1925 Portland, USA – overleden in 2000 in Antwerpen, België) begint zijn carrière als recording artist in 1957 aan de zijde van Ramblin’ Jack Elliott om solo te debuteren in 1967 met zijn klassiek album “Portland Town” De titeltrack hiervan wordt gecoverd door o.m.Joan Baez, Marianne Faithfull, Arlo Guthrie en vele anderen. Ook zijn later werk zal zeer invloedrijk blijken in de wereld van folk en country, genres die in het huidig muziek aanbod terug zeer nadrukkelijk aanwezig zijn.
In de sixties ontmoette Adams de Schotse singer-songwriter Donovan en introduceerde hem in de rijke traditie van Amerikaanse folk. Beiden zijn ook te zien in “Don’t Look Back” de documentaire van D.A. Pennebaker over Bob Dylans eerste Britse tour in 1965.
De live opnames van dit album werden oorspronkelijk gemaakt door de Belgische nationale radio in 1973 en 1980 . Ze werden nooit eerder uitgebracht. “Banjo Troubadour” toont Derroll Adams op zijn best: doorleefde songs, diep geworteld in de Amerikaanse folk en country traditie, een warme, diepe stem die verhalen vertelt en de luisteraar meeneemt op een intieme road trip.

New Derroll Adams Live Album “Banjo Troubadour”

January 2015 

Banjo Troubadour

We are very happy and proud to announce the release on February 16th of the superb live album “Banjo Troubadour”, containing previously unreleased material by the legendary and influential American banjo player, folksinger and entertainer Derroll Adams. The recordings were made by Belgian national radio in 1973 and 1980 . The album was put together in close collaboration with Derroll’s family and will be released on 180 gr vinyl and includes a CD as well. “Banjo Troubadour” will be presented on Thursday February 19th in Den Hopsack in Antwerp, Derrolls ‘adopted’ hometown! Stay Tuned for more info!

Den Hopsack: Grote Pieter Potstraat 24, 2000 Antwerp. Open in the evening but not on Tuesday.

Starman Records

Derroll Adams is on Facebook!

Coming soon: New Derroll Adams Live Album “Banjo Troubadour”

December 2014 

Felix Huybrecht (Starman Records) is happy to announce the release early 2015 on Starman Records of the Derroll Adams live album "Banjo Troubadour". The albums contains unreleased live recordings from 1973 and 1980 made by Belgian National Radio and was put together in collaboration with Derrolls family. The album will be released on 180 gr vinyl and includes a Cd as well with all tracks. More info soon!

Starman Records

Derroll Adams is on Facebook!

17 April – Middelburg/ Zeeland/ Holland – A Tribute to Jack Elliott & Derroll Adams

April 2014 

Songs from the Heart

Kunst- en cultuurcentrum De Spot Beddewijkstraat 15, 4331 LP Middelburg (NL)

Songs From The Heart – A Tribute to Jack Elliott & Derroll Adams - Video’s: Jaap van Visvliet – Presentation: Sjef Hermans (Champagne Charlie), a great Dutch band playing American blues and roots music.
They inspired us… Champagne Charlie and musicians friends from Holland and Belgium will sing some of their songs.

Een ode aan folkies Ramblin’ Jack Elliott en Derroll Adams. Tijdens deze editie van Songs From The Heart spelen en zingen Zeeuwse en Vlaamse muzikanten hun favoriete songs van deze twee folkiconen.

Zanger-gitarist Ramblin’ Jack Elliott (1931) werd geïnspireerd door Woody Guthrie en was op zijn beurt een groot voorbeeld voor Bob Dylan. Banjo-picker en folksinger Derroll Adams (1925-2000) had als handelsmerk een opvallend diep stemgeluid. Ze ontmoeten elkaar als straatmuzikanten aan de Amerikaanse westkust en begonnen een muzikaal samenwerkingsverband.

Eind jaren vijftig brachten zij hun aanstekelijke folkmuziek naar Engeland en sloten naadloos aan bij de skiffle rage en stonden aan de wieg van de “folk boom”. Daarnaast hadden ze veel invloed op het vroege werk van o.a. Donovan, Ralph McTell en Hans Theessink. Elliott keerde terug naar de USA en maakte onder andere deel uit van Bob Dylan’s Rolling Thunder Revue”, Adams vestigde zich in België om daar te schilderen en muziek te maken. Hij overleed in 2000 in Antwerpen.

Link to YouTube:

Trouble In Mind by Geneviève Dartevelle & Guy Stroobant

DERROLL ADAMS IN "DE ROMA" (Antwerp) from March 26 till March 29, 2012

February 2012 

Derrolls Dream

DERROLL ADAMS AS A PAINTER: exhibition of his watercolours and drawings.

documentary film by Patrick Ferryn (Belgium - 2005). Continuously projection room.

"DERROLL's DREAM", concert on Thursday 29 March 2012.

The beautiful old theater in Antwerp, “DE ROMA”, will present on March 29th, 2012 an orchestral arrangement based on Derroll Adams music. You will recognize his own songs, some traditionals and also a great song ‘Oregon’ written for him by his friend Tucker Zimmerman, song poet and composer.
It is a project put together by Wiet Van De Leest (RUM), fiddler, composer, arranger and ”chef d’orchestre” who was inspired by Derroll songs and brought his dream to reality.
Seven women singers of great talent and various backgrounds (from jazz to folk) are accompanied by a baroque string orchestra (De Rode Pomp). Most of the musicians had never heard of Derroll’s songs. Three old friends of Derroll are part of the band: Vera Coomans (voice), Maggie Holland (banjo and voice) and Roland Van Campenhout (guitar).

Three Belgian Summer festivals (Brosella, Gentse Feesten and Dranouter) programmed the concert last year and it was successfully received and a wonderful experience (For more details, follow the links under this text).

Derroll Adams (1925-2000), American banjo player, painter, singer-songwriter and poet lived in Antwerp for more than thirty years.

De Wereld Morgen
dinsdag 3 april 2012
Derroll’s Dream in De ROMA door WALTERito